Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Left Over Soup

Okay, so I had some feedback saying that I really need to say how much of each ingredient to add.  I was brought up where we added things until it was the "right" consistency, and so I am always experimenting, and my dishes almost never come out the same way twice.  I promise that after this I will try to give the correct amount of each ingredient...or at least an approximation :) 

For Thanksgiving we had a whole bunch of veggies, and of course, they were one of the only things that was left over.  It was a mix of broccoli, cauliflower, carrot, and maybe one or two other things.  The exact make up isn't really important.  It's more the concept of reheated vegetables aren't really the first thing on my list of things to eat.  So, in good winter fashion, I added enough liquid (part broth, part water - broth gives more flavor, so I didn't need as many herbs) to just cover the veggies, then I used my immersion blender to puree the veggies.  If the soup is thinner than you would like, add about a tablespoon of flour and heat to thicken.  I also added a can of stewed tomatoes. 
The soup was much more appetizing than a bowl of old veggies on their own.  Great with a sandwich, but it actually turned out even better as a base for a sauce.  More on this to follow!

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