Friday, February 3, 2012

Food Diary - Typical Day

I just figured I would make a post about a typical food day for us. 

For breakfast I typically eat some of my Berry Nutty Breakfast, which usually consists of 1 cup of dry oats, quinoa, or cornmeal, nuts and fresh berries if I have them.  Occasionally I treat myself to some scrambled eggs - three with spinach if it's around.  Yum! And of course coffee - I just can't cut that out!

Around ten I'm hankering for a snack, and depending on what we have I eat fresh fruit, or a bowl of cereal, granola bar, nuts, or some other easy to grab food.  Or, if I am really hungry I have early lunch or scramble some eggs if that's not what I had for breakfast.

Lunch time, I have been loving a simple rice dish with avocado and seaweed square things that my brother got for me - mini avocado maki I guess. I take a half a cup of sushi rice, one ripe avocado, and the seasoned seaweed and enjoy!

Second snack is usually a bit bigger, and today will be the second half of my lentil loaf (recipe to come soon!),  slathered with ketchup and mayo.  I would just make a sandwich....but I can't. 

Throughout the day I have also been known to continuously munch of finger foods such as nuts, fruit, chips, granola bars, carrots, or make a fruit smoothie. Other things that are likely to make an appearance in my food day are leftover dinner from the night before, salad with some kind of protein (leftover chicken, chicken salad, quinoa, eggs, etc).  

Dinner consists of any of the recipes you have seen on here.  Tonight, though, is date night!!

And that's my day!

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