Thursday, August 23, 2012

Effects of Starch andSugar on Nina's Belly

In one of these pictures I am 4 months pregnant.  The other, well, I just ate too much starch and too much fruit.  The resulting coctail in my belly caused a ton of bloating and inflammation.  Yuck! This wasn't even from eating anything "really" against the rules; just mostly legal junk food.  Can you tell which is which?

I feel pretty disgusting, although it's not the emotional roller coaster that cheating with illegal foods is.  I am super tired, and my seasonal allergies have all of a sudden flared up again.

I still feel really good when I am eating primarily animal products, and I have so much more energy without the crazy insulin spikes that I used to have.  For the few weeks before this, I was eating very well, mostly primal foods (no grain, lots of meat, some nuts/seeds, some veggies, a little bit of fruit, and very little starchy foods).  For breakfast I eat 3-4 eggs cooked in bacon drippings and ghee or coconut oil, 2-3 pieces of bacon and/or an avocado.  I have been having coconut milk yoghurt for a snack, but I think that is one of the things contributing to my stomach issues.  Even though it's a "healthy" brand, it's still got crap in it.  For lunch I was having left overs like the Beef and Liver Chile, or a hamburger, or a croc pot chicken with veggies.  I was using a bit of chicken stock too.  Dinner was kind of like lunch, and I would through in some baked goods using almond meal and hiding some squash in them so that Nick would eat some veggies.  While I was doing this I actually dropped a few I tried adding in more starches and fruit, and that is how I ended up where I am now :/ I need to figure out how to keep the weight on without making myself uncomfortable....So, I guess I am proof that fat doesn't make you fat, and if you are looking to drop weight, the best way to do that is to eat foods that show your body that good nourishing food is plentiful! Healthy animal products, including the fat, is a good way to do that.  If you just aren't that comfortable with animal products, or you aren't getting good quality meat, you should try to eat fish or add coconut oil and avocado to your diet.  Remember if you are getting healthy a lot, you are either really just thirsty, or you aren't giving your body the nutrients you need, and you should add in some more nutrient dense foods.  I'm coming to the conclusion that everyone should be eating WAY less grains....

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